YouTube Vlogging tips every beginner needs to know in 2021

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With YouTube’s popularity and the vlogging’s current trend, it is not a surprise that more and more people have managed to find a way to make money of it. The very same people earn money through blogs.

The Present of Vlogging

Today YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world and they love to send your way free traffic.

Google again is one of the leading search engines and they certainly would send traffic to your videos. Plus Google owns YouTube.

The Reality Check

The quest to understand the concept of video logging has come to an end. YouTube is nothing but a Video Marketing Platform. (This is a Marketers perspective).

Once you begin to understand this then you would know how important is to have your own small niche market (path).

What’s Your Main Objective?

If you are just getting started you should focus 99% of video marketing efforts on YouTube. You should never have your main objective as to get views.

Your main objective is to get VIEWERS TO TAKE ACTION.

  • Build a brand
  • Drive traffic to your website/blog/vlog
  • Sell your products or services.

Everything is easier said than done. Wanting something is easy. Saying something is easy. The challenge and the reward are in the doing. –

Steve Maraboli

The Challenge and Reward

You cannot succeed if you never start in the first place. So just get out and start making videos. You don’t need fancy video equipment. You don’t need out of this world editing. You don’t have to do half of the work that is the best part.

So, what should you vlog about?


The answer is that anything you want or anything you can think of…! The most important thing would be that you are creating something that a certain targeted audience will be interested in. As long as it’s not something illegal or offensive, you have the potential to be a vlogger.

The 4 “U’s”

Create The Production Line

  • Video Ideas & Thumbnail Creation
  • Script Writing
  • Narration
  • Video Editing
  • Uploading

The next step: Finding an audience

There is a whole world that would be interested in the content that you are offering. Sure, your friends will be interested to see what you got on the video, but you cannot limit your audience to only people you know.

Once you have identified your audience by narrowing down or let’s call it, niching down to the core problems they face. This will allow you to offer them the information, products, or services they want and need. 

Understanding The Audience

By understanding the problems your target audience is currently facing, you can create your content in response to their needs, enabling your videos to become a trusted source of information to your viewers.

Importance of Editing and Lighting

A smartphone with a camera capable of recording high-resolution or 4K videos.

Good video editing software that gives you full control over your final product.

Lighting equipment if you really want to get serious about creating high-quality videos. Never forget the importance of lighting and editing the complete process. Absolutely everything, including content, is secondary. As you progress with your vlogging journey, you will pick up more effective tricks to suit your style.

The takeaway

The most important thing is to always have fun……! If you like what you do, your audience will have fun too. The idea is to have fun while creating videos so the audience would know that you know more than them, so their curiosity will grow. Your audience is already hooked to the platform. Also, have patience and faith in your attempts to raise your skillset. After all, you have just started.

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